Web browsing
At the top of every Odysseus window is the “toolbar”. These contain controls to manipulate the page your currently viewing, and to navigate to other pages. They also contain the window controls standard to your desktop, which will be otherwise ignored in this guide.
At the leftmost side you’ll see 2 buttons labelled &
. These take you to the page you’ve visited immediately before or after this page, unless it was via these buttons. Right- or hold-click these buttons for a menu of all pages visited before or after this one.
Next to those you’ll see either a or
depending on whether the page is currently loading. Click the !{reload button](icon:16/view-refresh-symbolic) to fetch and display an updated page from the server, and click
to stop fetching the current page. In either case hold- or right-click for an option to reload the page without reusing any previously fetched resources.
On the right you’ll see which you can click to save a link to be revisited later, as described in bookmarking.
Next to that you’ll see
which provides various other options. Some of these will have their own guides, and others you should be familiar with from other document-oriented applications.
In the center you’ll see the “addressbar”.
Tabbed web browsing
Between Odysseus’s toolbar and the webpage you’re currently viewing, there is a “tabbar”. This can be used to keep many webpages open within the same window. A sidebar panel can be dragged out using a thick line on the left-hand-side of the browser window to provide a alternative, vertical view upon these same tabs.
In this “tabbar” there are pairs of labels and icons (called “tabs”) representing each webpage currently open in that window. Click one to switch to viewing it’s page, and it will visually indicate it’s selected status. If there’s too many tabs open to show them all at once arrow buttons will render on either side of them. Click them to navigate to the tab immediately before or after the selected one.
Upon selecting or hovering over a tab you will see . Click it to close the tab. Right-click the tab for more options, of which only the “Pin” option is worth describing in more detail. It renders the tab to the left of all other “non-pinned” tabs and renders it compactly as only the icon.
To the left of all tabs you will see . Click it to add a new tab to the tabbar, so you can have yet one more page simultaneously open in that same window. And if you accidentally close a tab, you can reopen it again by clicking the
to the right of all tabs and select your accidentally closed tab from the dropdown menu.
The controls in the toolbar above this tabbar refer only to the currently selected tab, and not any of the others.
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